Where the men are naked

Charcoal, coloured chalk, sketchpads, a fun environment and a naked man.
What more could you possibly want?

Saturday 7 April 2012

A giant eye

Yesterday, I was working with a new tutor - an Australian girl called Jodi, that Alison had recruited.  She arrived early, shortly after I'd set up the room, so we were able to talk for a while and learn what each others' expectations were.  When she asked about the upcoming group, I told her I didn't know anything about them, because they'd booked through one of the agencies.  All I knew was that there were twelve girls.

I said that the default option was to assume that at least one person was being surprised, so I should step outside and wait for my intro.  If nobody arrived early and introduced themselves, that was how we'd play it.  We were still talking, though, when two of the girls turned up - so after that, we were able to get a clearer idea of the right approach to take.

They told us that the only person still in the dark was the bride.  They were going to lead her in blindfolded and they wondered if I'd take up a position just in front of her, ready for "the grand unveiling".  They apologised in advance for the screaming we would get.  Then they went back up to the bar and ordered their drinks and waited for their friends to turn up.

So that was great.  Jodi and I got ready and waited for the girls to come back.  I kept on my bright trousers until everybody had taken their seats, then took the bride's hand for a moment and everybody took a few pictures while she was wondering what was going on.

She definitely did scream.  In fact, once she'd made the initial glance at me, it was ages before she could even look at me.  She had her head turned away and her eyes covered - the whole lot.  Sometimes, at these points, I worry slightly about whether the bride's friends have misjudged her response; but these always seem to be early reactions and the moments always seem to pass fairly quickly.

 Jodi did a great job of introducing the class and getting things moving along.  And she was cool about taking pictures on my iphone.  I asked everybody's permission in advance, as usual, and explained how the pictures would add a bit of colour to the blog, and they were all cool about it.

We did the random picture generator thing for the last pose.  The girls were all asked to draw a single body part, so we could try to create a man on the floor when we were done.  I'm hooked on that challenge, now - I always want to see what kind of results we'll get.  This time, I ended up with two torsos, a giant nipple, a giant eye, five penises and no legs.  And the bride - the girl who could barely look at me, back at the start of the class - was responsible for one of the penises.  I posed with that drawing for a couple of the pictures.

Towards the end, Jodi asked me to show her how to delete some pictures, then took my iphone over to a couple of the girls and let them pick out any pictures that identified them personally.  They had professional jobs and didn't want their pictures to be used in any way that might compromise their standings - including blogs like this.  I'm actually surprised that I haven't encountered that response before, and I thought it was pretty cool that they had allowed the pictures to be taken in the first place and just arranged to remove the ones that would be potentially troublesome.

This also meant that there were two sets of group photos at the end.  Some with me, but minus the two professional girls and some with all of the girls.  There was a lot of jostling going on when I was posing with the girls, and it took me a moment to realise what was going on.  A couple of them were trying to press each others' hands against my bum.  Perhaps I should have been outraged.  I might pretend to be offended, next time something like that happens.

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I made up a book of some of my pictures. Just in case anyone's interested. It's very expensive, but you can see and buy it at the Blurb website and you can get a preview of it here. Just the first fifteen pages, though. Consider it a teaser.